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Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Four members of the team are Professors or Assistant Professors at Bordeaux University and have a teaching duty, which consists in courses and practical exercises in numerical analysis and scientific computing.


In case of co-supervision, the name of the concerned student/postdoc is mentionned twice.

Michel Bergmann:

Afaf Bouharguane

Charles-Henri Bruneau

Angelo Iollo:

Lisl Weynans


Participation to hiring comittees ("comités de sélection"): Ecole Centrale de Nantes, I2M laboratory at Bordeaux University.

Participation to PhD defence juries: C.-H. Bruneau for Eysteinn Helgason (Chalmers, Sweden), L. Weynans for Pierre Bigay (Ecole Centrale Nantes)